Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Care about the Truth?

This goes out ONLY TO THOSE WHO CARE to inform, not to spread fear or panic, about a very important mission called "Mission Pharaoh" or "The Khufu Project" that is today in it's final stage.
It is a real undertaking to save Earth and mankind from catastrophic events in 2012.

In 2012 three great events will merge:

1. The beginning of a new era every 2000 years. The end of the time of the Pieces and the beginning of the time of Aquarius. The stars will support different attributes and open new doors for us.

2. The Great Cycle (resetting of the cosmic time every 26.000 years). We will line up with the center of the Milky Way where a black whole is located, which releases an energy that we will be exposed to. This energy will be 50% stronger than the energy that we are exposed to now. It is a higher consciousness and we will be changed. Not from one day to another, but we will experience true spiritual growth.

3. The Small Cycle (The passage of Nibiru / Planet-X).
The NASA, the ESA, and other organisations, the powerful and the Governments know very well about this. It happens every 12.500 years and the last time it caused a global flood.

They know that they can not evacuate everybody, they don't have the resources to accommodate the world population and that is why they keep quiet about it. They have been approached in open letters talking about the solution for many years but they ignored it.

NASA has issued a public warning regarding solar storms: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solarsystem/10mar_stormwarning.html

An X-flare could cause a power grid disruption of 12 to even 24 months.

But there is hope. The Great Pyramid of Giza (located at the center of the axis of the Earth). It is a gigantic generator that uses the goemantic network of the Earth.

Once activated it can restore the magnetosphere of the Earth which has a giant breach (Dec. 16th 2008 5 NASA Themis satellites discovered a breach in Earths magnetosphere 10 times bigger than anything thought to exisct: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2008/16dec_giantbreach/) and protect the Earth from the influences of the sun, which is releasing coronal mass ejections (solar storms or flares) due to the influence of this giant intruder in our solar system, Planet-X (a.k.a. Nibiru).

It is the real cause for global warming, which in fact is occurring on other planets in our solar system as well and it's gravitational pull is causing Earths tectonic plates to shift.

The Great Pyramid of Giza was build before the Pharaoh era, 6.500 years ago (not 4.500 years ago, that was the time of it's restoration by Pharaoh Cheops) by a higher civilization from a planet in the belt of Orion with the help of the Egyptian civilization in order to save us from the catastrophic events in 2012. Right now, while Egypt is going through great changes, excavations around the Giza Plateau are in the works and hopefully excavations on the Plateau itself will begin this year.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt is the answer. It is "The Sign of Time" and it is also a sign of peace, showing us that we are not and never have been alone. People from other planets who watch us cared enough to visit us in the past, to teach us and to build with and for us a generator that has the capability to restore the protective shield of the Earth.

"Project Khufu" / "Mission Pharaoh" is REAL! As real the catastrophic events that are become more and more, like the flood in Australia covering a region as big as Germany and France combined, the typhoon in Australia, the recent volcanic activity in Japan, in Colombia and in Indonesia, the Bulusan volcano eruption in the Philippines, the deadly earthquake in New Zealand, the deadly earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the mysterious bird and fish dying in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Sweden, England, Brazil and New Zealand due to a geo-magnetic flux from the sun, the shifting of Earths magnetic pole:

All these things are real and they are just a taste of the great influence that Planet-X and the activity of the sun have on the Earth. Ancient Civilization knew about the passage of Planet-X and they knew that this cycle occurs every 12.500 years.

2012 IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! It is a time of great changes.

1 comment:

  1. We all have become too dependent on electricity. You can get through one day with out electricity. But can you go through years without it. Imagine if you have children or elderly grandparents, they would have a tough time surviving. I guess it is true, only the strong will survive.
